Friday, September 08, 2006

Marbury Starbury fo' $15 only

Once again, interesting news stolen from the excellent Popbitch-newsletter:

While every top NBA-baller has their own $150+ dollar sneaker models out, New York Knick’s Stephon Marbury has made it his mission to bring out a line of shoes for poor kids. The cost of his new sneaker the Starbury is just $15. And the dude is wearing the shoe on court himself.

Even if I personally hate the way those techno-b-ball-sneakers look (I prefer more that classic old school style in sneakers), I think this is actually pretty cool thing and it somehow reminds me a lot of 50 Cents’ G-Apple thing.

The Starbury sneakers are sold only in US discount store Steve & Barry's, which prides itself on enabling a family to be clothed for a year for $100. The shoe has become a word-of-mouth phenomenon. Queues run outside the stores, with a two-item per person limit now enforced on the Starbury range. Marbury's aim is to show people just how little it really costs to make high quality sneakers. "Two hundred to buy a pair of sneakers? That's groceries for the week," he says. "History is going to say Stephon Marbury changed the game."

1 comment:

Hennyman said...

I'd get a pair if they'd be available at the local Citymarket or Prisma.