Right on! This is good news from today’s newspaper. Or is it really?
The right to use medicinal cannabis in pain relief has been granted for the first time in Finland. A man who hurt his back and neck seriously in an car accident and who has been forced to take different opiate-based pain killers take continuously for four years was given prescription for one year to use medicinal cannabis. Obviously the side-effects of taking medicinal grade morphine or heroin or other hardcore-opiate derivatives for four years were judged to be bit heavy for anyone.
The man had to appeal for court and the decision in his favor took 1.5 years to go through. It is also strictly for one year with no promise of continuation after that.
So basically he can have his weed in order to help him kick the morphine-habit and then after a year he is forced to go directly back to using it again. Is cannabis really so dangerous that it is officially better to use morphine instead, or what?
And since this is the first case in Finland, where is he going to score his weed and/or hash? I am sure local pharmacies do not carry cannabis products since importing any kind of cannabis product into Finland is a serious crime carrying penalties of up to several years in prison. This applies to pharmacists too. Maybe he has to grow his own, which of course is strictly illegal too. In fact it is currently illegal to even have seeds, ceramic pots or any other similar things that could be considered as equipment and accessories to be intended to be used in producing cannabis in any form.
Or maybe now it’s time for someone to form the first Finnish cannabis buyers’ club?
But seriously, this case just shows once again how conservative, backwards and hypocrite Finland really is.
Ok, turns out that the local pharmacist, who also happened to be the person who helped and supported the dude in pain with the court case against The Man, got a special license to order a one-year-supply of official dutch medicinal weed from aDutch state controlled ganja-provider...
pharmacies can order cannabis for medicinal use, i'm sure. You can have anything you want for medicinal use. In every medical school in finland there's a laboratory that is used to produce amphetamine at least once a year. it's not illegal though having a private amphetamine factory would be.
speaking of which, we need to orgynise some stoodio spliff. my neck is in great pain
thats all
naga marque
tell me about it, maaaan! my wrists, fingers and back hurt like hell after all that shredding & riffing on my axe...
jaga da naga!
yep, ive been having terrible writer's blocks with my beats lately.. ;) that's seriously a sign of not enuff weedalyzing....
- fiil da agony -
and my tummy ache cyaaan't and won't go away, i needs a spliff sooo baad, mon
se la vita t'inganna fatti una canna
(graffiti from some public toilet down south)
"Ultra Allure Pheromones " -> like i friggin needs that! like i friggin even know what the hell that is.
i seriously need a encyclopedia to get these adds...
**more than a fiilin**
This is interesting. In today's paper it was said that a local pharamacist was applying for a permission for medical use of THC for this dude. However the pharmacist coulnd't order the "shit" until it was ok with the "lääkelaitos" (="insitute of medicine or something").
the drug itself is manufactured in the netherlands (big surprise here:-)) and is called Bedocran. It costs about 12 euros per gram and the guy seems happy - his pains are finally relevead.
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