Monday, September 10, 2007

Party like a rockstar!

Early last sunday I took a long and a slow longboard cruising session around my hood. When I got to Ruoholahti I found out that some wannabe rockstar seems to live there. That's what I thought 'cos there was this pile of electronics that turned out to be a tv that had been thrown out of the window. After quick investigation I realized that it was no real rock star who had done it: it was a crappy old tv, no HD-ready flatscreen. But it had gone to really small pieces, so the actual throwing must have looked cool though. Totally dude!


Anonymous said...

naaah, i'm sure that's dude was just commenting on Finland changing from analog to digital television. He was just a bit more pissed off than the majority of us.

Anonymous said...

So true, bro!

Anonymous said...

yeah, talk about "fragmented media content here"...