Thursday, April 03, 2008

Death, sex and religion respectively

Last year we reported of (a bit too) many deaths of rock/rapstars. Like Pimp C for instance. It's amazing that Pimp C was as a pretty unknown artist to the great public, but at the same time his passing away was something that many people wanted seek information on. It just got my hands on a statistic that revealed the top search terms of Google on December 4th 2007. And the list is:

1. pimp c
2. lafave
3. pimp c found dead
4. ugk
5. debra lafave
6. eat pray love
7. hannukah prayers
8. lafave arrested again
9. chad butler
10. the family international

But more interestingly this once again reveals what interests people:

- death (pimp's death) 4/10
- sex (debra lafave's a teacher who messed with young boys) 3/10
- religion (guess it was hannukah time for some folks) 3/10

Really. I mean really. I mean REALLY.

(AND.... I have no real point for the picture above, I'm not michael moore yuh know. It just whaty Google showed me for search terms "death sex religion")

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