Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Helsinki Style Y'all!

In keeping with our theme of fresh urban vibes and 'tings from Helsinki, please check out the photo. There is an interesting 'chic vintage and antique clothing store' (ie. Salvation Army thrift store) on the same block where I work in Sörnäinen. Today I was really amazed by their window display when I walked home from work in the afternoon.

The style they are pushing on us consumers is so bold and dope! I really felt like going to do some slalom skiing, in '87.

Another interesting thing about that place is that our most internationally famous movie director Aki Kaurismäki filmed some scenes of his film 'Mies vailla menneisyyttä' on location in that shop and the main character of the film works there in the film. If you click on the photo, you will get to my photo directory in and see some other snaps of that place.

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